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导读 大家好,我是小华,我来为大家解答以上问题。一般现在时的结构图,一般现在时的结构很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! Simple Pr...



Simple Present Tense  一般现在时

格式 :

1.  句子有动词时, 名词是第一, 二 身及双数时则动词不变。即主语: I, You 及 We, They。

I eat an apple every day.

You like to play football.

We come home at seven o’clock.

They swim every morning.

2.  句子有动词时, 主语名词是第三身单数 ( He / She / It )时则需在动词后加s, es, ies 或 ves.

例如: sing – sings   brush — brushes   fly — flies   move — moves

He goes to school early.

She likes chocolates.

It flies very fast

3.  句子没有动词而只有 (be 动词) 则用is / am / are去表达.

I / am, He, She, It / is,   We, You, They / are

I am a happy boy.

She is a beautiful girl.

It is a good dog.

We are hungry.

You are lazy.

They are my friends.

4.  句子没有动词而只有Verb to have (有) 则用have/ has去表达

I, You, We, They / have  ;  He, She, It / has

I have a pencil.

You have a nice car.

We have two uncles.

They have five houses.

He has an orange.

She has a beautiful dress.

It has a long tail.


用法及例句 :

1.  表达一个习惯或惯性行为。

She goes to church every Sunday.  每个星期日她都会去教堂.

2.  说明一种永恒不变的道理。

The earth goes round the sun.  地球环绕太阳运行.

The sun rises from the East.    太阳由东方升起.

3.  说明一些事情在目前来说是真的。

I am a teacher.  我是一个教师。   (但不肯定以后是否仍是教师)

She has three dogs.  她有三只狗。(但不肯定以后她是否仍有三只狗)

Here comes the bus!  巴士来了! (看见一辆巴士在眼前出现)
