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life is cool歌词翻译(life is cool)

导读 大家好,我是小华,我来为大家解答以上问题。life is cool歌词翻译,life is cool很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、life i...

大家好,我是小华,我来为大家解答以上问题。life is cool歌词翻译,life is cool很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、life is cool never really tried to be positive 我从来没有努力去拥有积极的态度 I’m too damn busy being negative 我一直纵容自己消极的沉沦 So focused on what I get 如此看重得失 I never understand what it means to live 却从未明白过生活的实质 You know we all love to just complain 我们都喜欢抱怨 But maybe we should try to rearrange 但是也许我们应该重新整理心思 There’s always someone who’s got it worse than you 世界上总有比我们更糟糕的人或事 My life is so cool, my life is so cool 我的生活如此冷酷 Oh yeah, from a different point of view 当你从另外的角度去审视 My life is so cool, my life is so cool 我的生活如此冷酷 Oh yeah, from a different point of view 当你从另外的角度去审视 We’re all so busy trying to get ahead 我们都忙于不落人后,忙于提高自己的素质 Got a pillow of fears when we go to bed 甚至在睡觉时都担心恐惧钻进自己的被子 We’re never satisfied 我们从不满足 The grass is greener on the other side 总期待着更高更好的位置 So distracted with our jealousy 嫉妒总在前头指使 Forget it’s in our hands to stop the agony 却忘记了我们自己就可以使这一切停止 Will you ever be content on your side of the fence? 你难道就不能真正满足于上帝给我们的恩赐? Maybe you’re the guy who needs a second chance 也许你需要人生的第二次选择 Maybe you’re the girl who’s never asked to dance 也许你从来未被大家重视 Maybe you’re a lonely soul 也许你有孤独的灵魂 A single mother scared and all alone 如同单身母亲心里恐惧的对生活的未知 Gotta remember we live what we choose 你要记住我们的生活是我们自己选择的方式 It’s not what you say, it’s what you do 少说多做永远是正确的path And the life you want is the life you have to make 想过什么样的生活,就一定要为它奋斗不止。
