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an angel 歌曲(an angel中文歌词)

导读 大家好,我是小华,我来为大家解答以上问题。an angel 歌曲,an angel中文歌词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、1.An Angel...

大家好,我是小华,我来为大家解答以上问题。an angel 歌曲,an angel中文歌词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、1. An Angel I wish I had your pair of wings.Had them last in my dreams 在昨夜的梦中我希望能拥有那对天使的羽翼。

2、 I was chasing butterflies. Till the sunrise broke my eyes 我在梦中与蝴蝶追逐嬉戏,直至日出将我唤醒。

3、 Tonight the sky has glued my eyes.Cause what they see’s an angel hive 我的眼睛无法离开今晚的夜空,因为天使就居住在每颗星星。

4、 2. I’ve got to touch that magic star.And greet the angels in their hive 我多么想触摸到这魔幻的星空,在天使住宅的门口向他们致以问候。

5、 Sometimes I wish I were an angel.Sometimes I wish I were you 有时我多么希望我是天使像你一样的天使 Sometimes I wish I were an angel.Sometimes I wish I were you 有时我多么希望我能变成天使像你一样的天使 All the sweet honey from above.Pour it all over me sweet love 所有来自上帝的恩典,请倾注我最甜美的爱。

6、 And while you’re flying around my head.Your honey kisses keep me fed 当天使在我上方盘旋,我满足于天使甜蜜的亲吻。

7、 I wish I had your pair of wings.Just like last night in my dreams 我希望能拥有,昨夜梦中那双天使的羽翼。

8、 I was lost in paradise.Wish I’d never opened my eyes 我迷失在梦中的天堂,希望永远不被唤醒。

9、 Sometimes I wish I were an angel.Sometimes I wish I were you 有时我多么希望我是天使像你一样的天使 Sometimes I wish I were an angel.Sometimes I wish I were you 有时我多么希望我能变成天使像你一样的天使 But there’s danger in the air.Tryin’ so hard to be unfair.Danger’s in the air 空中也有潜藏着的危险,正在伺机出动… Tryin’ so hard to give us a scareBut were not afraid然而我们无所畏惧 Sometimes I wish I were an angel.Sometimes I wish I were you 有时我多么希望我是天使像你一样的天使 Sometimes I wish I were an angel.Sometimes I wish I were you 有时我多么希望我能变成天使像你一样的天使 Wish I were you Oh I wish I were you 给你DECLAN所有歌词的地址 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=431370313。
