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导读 大家好,我是小华,我来为大家解答以上问题。crowded什么意思,crowd很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、习惯用语a crowd of ...


1、习惯用语 a crowd of 一群, 一堆 be crowded with满是... come crowding in 一拥而入 follow the crowd 随大流, 从众 go with the crowd 随大流, 从众 in crowds 成群, 大群地 may pass in a crowd 不会十分坏, 混得过去, 普普通通 might pass in a crowd 不会十分坏, 混得过去, 普普通通 would pass in a crowd 不会十分坏, 混得过去, 普普通通 crowd about 围住, 包围 crowd in upon 蜂拥而来, 逼拢来 crowd in on 蜂拥而来, 逼拢来 crowd out 挤出, 推开, 驱逐 crowd out of (过于拥挤)使不能容纳 crowd up 拥[挤]上。
