您现在的位置是:首页 >宏观 > 2023-09-27 14:06:17 来源:
riding shotgun短片(riding shotgun)
大家好,我是小夏,我来为大家解答以上问题。riding shotgun短片,riding shotgun很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、歌曲名:Riding Shotgun
3、专辑:Stomp 442
4、Do it, drive it, drink it, smoke it,
5、Choke it
6、Two steps forward
7、One hundred steps back
8、We箁e going the wrong way
9、It箂 backwards, it箂 backwards
10、Cuffed and branded
11、I can箃 stand it
12、Give me the lane I筸 gonna play it my way
13、when I want to
14、Charged by the pain
15、I筸 gonna scream out my name if I want to
17、Live, it, be it, hold it, touch it
18、Kick it, beat it, love it, suck it
19、Two steps forward
20、One hundred steps back
21、We箁e going the wrong way
22、It箂 backwards, it箂 backwards
23、Cuffed and branded
24、I can箃 stand it
25、Give me the lane I筸 gonna play it my way
26、when I want to
27、Charged by the pain
28、I筸 gonna scream out my name if I want to
29、I feel like I筸 riding shotgun
30、Not a roll I can play
31、I would never get on my knees
32、I won箃 take a back up,
33、I筸 gonna get my back up
34、I won箃 take a back up,
35、charged by life and nothing more
36、Do it, drive it, drink it, smoke it
37、Live it, be it, hold it, touch it
38、Kick it, beat it, love it, suck it !
39、Give me the lane I筸 gonna play it my way
40、when I want to
41、Charged by the pain
42、I筸 gonna scream out my name if I want to
43、I筸 riding shotgun
44、Intro Solo : Dimebag
45、Main Solo : Dimebag
46、Feedback : Dimebag and Scott
47、Cool Noise in Verse : Joe Nicolo